Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Protest against the 42 day detention law.

This is a blog about the new counter terrorism bill that is on it's way through the House of Lords at the moment. Part of the bill allows for the detention of 'terrorist suspects' for 42 days without charge.

It is Tony Blair's Bill but he failed to get it passed through the Commons. Sadly this year Gordon Brown succeeded where Blair failed and after convincing the DUP to vote with him the Bill was passed into the Lords.

There is still time to prevent the Bill from being passed. It seems the Lords are not looking on it too favorably and I for one want to make sure it doesn't make it.

I am new to campaigning. As a British citizen I attended protests in London before I moved to Ireland. Here I feel powerless to stop what my country is doing, I have no MP to write to and an email to Gordon Brown remains unanswered.

For that reason I mounted a protest during the last reading of the Bill in the Lords. I decided to take this course of action at the last minute and thus my protest was a lone one.

So if you are a living in Ireland and want to help me put an end to this bill leave a comment.


Plucker said...

It may have been a lone protest, but you managed to attract the attention of a policeman and at least two photographers! Well done.

i was a muppet baby said...

When's the next protest?

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda,
Followed the link through IBW. I'm a Brit in Ireland too, you have my full support.

Amanda said...

Thanks Nicola, hope to see you at the next protest?

Amanda said...
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