Thursday, September 18, 2008

Vivienne Westwood sings against 42 day detention

Vivienne Westwood has written and performed a song against 42 day detention for a new CD.

I'm not sure what her singing voice is like but it's an interesting tactic. If it manages to get as much air play as a Coldplay song it could well have the government repealing the law before it even gets through the Lords in order to stop the noise!

In fact it might be worth bringing a CD player and the song to my next protest, it might help annoy the people inside a little bit more.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Choosing the right slogan

For my first protest I spent a long time trying to come up with the perfect slogan. A play on words maybe or something amusing and memorable. It wasn't until the morning of the protest that I came up with a slogan I could be happy with. I was really chuffed with it:

'Oh Lords, Please say no to 42 days' I was chuffed when I saw it written up in big letters on the sign, I was chuffed and smiling to myself as I drove to Dublin with my sign in the back of the car. I was chuffed as I walked down the street towards the British Embassy. I thought I was really clever right until the moment when I hoisted it into the air. It was only then that I realised that my sign made it look like I was religious. I am not religious and I didn't want my protest to be coloured by religion.

Still I was there and without the sign I would have just been a person walking up and down outside the embassy so I used it.

Next time I'm going to need a better slogan, any ideas are very very welcome...